Repair & Renovation for Lawns
At some point, due to age, use or poor maintenance a lawn is going need repairing and sometimes a complete renovation will be required. In some cases this may not be sufficient and re-instatement may be the only option.
Spring Lawn Repair
After a dismal winter your lawn can be in a terrible state. Help is at hand here!
How to Repair with Grass Seed
You need three things when you use seed to repair your lawn; good seed to soil contact, even distribution of seed and finally constant moisture
Repairing the Lawn
Worn patches of lawn, hollows, mole hills, fairy rings, shade and tree roots: a few simple techniques and a handful of lawn grass seed can make all the difference
Renovating the Lawn
The introduction of new grass seed into the lawn. Some of the reasons for renovation may be excess thatch, weed grasses, bumps or lawn disease
Grass Seed Sowing Rates
For repairs 10 to 20 grass seeds per square inch is enough. For new lawns you can use more or less depending on what you want to achieve
Repairing Burnt Summer Lawns
How to revive and repair burnt summer lawns and grass after a long period with little or no rain