Lawnsmith Yucca Wetta Liquid Wetting Agent
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- Professional quality compression sprayer
- For use with liquid fertiliser, moss and weed killer
- Ideal for 'spot' spraying and for small lawns

- Adapt your watering can for lawns and moss control
- Ideal for liquid fertiliser, iron sulphate or weed killer
- A MUST for applying products by watering can
Key Features
- Revives dry and patchy summer lawn conditions
- Relieves 'dry patch' and 'fairy ring' dryness
- Improves grass growth when rain or water is scarce
For application by sprayer or watering can:
- Yucca is a natural liquid plant wetting agent for use on all turf
- Increases availability of water to grass roots in any lawn
- Improves rain and water penetration in dry lawns
- Maximises water retention in otherwise dry or problem soils
- Enables water to spread more evenly in the soil
- Beneficial to grass; improves root growth and depth
- Increases biological activity in soils
- Used on professional sports turf world wide
- Easily applied by watering can with sprinkle bar or by sprayer
- Apply before or during wet weather or watering
- To be repeated every 4 weeks or until desired result is achieved
As a Preventative for Recurring Conditions, Fairy Rings & Dry Patch
- Start treatment around May time prior to soil drying
- Spike problem area with garden fork, aerator sandals or rolling aerator
- Apply recommended dose of YUCCA wetting agent
- Water after 7-10 days if no or little rain
- Repeat above routine every 4 weeks to maintain grass growth and water penetration
- Seed and fertilise area after first application if no grass present
- Maintain a good fertiliser programme and mow regularly on medium to high
For Treatment of Dry Summer Lawns
To revive dry summer or patchy lawns, under trees or prior to seeding dry areas, apply at the recommended rate.
Apply before or during wet weather or watering and if possible spike the area as much as possible. Spike depth will be shallow initially as the ground will be hard but this enables penetration of water and active ingredient deeper into the soil once rain or watering commences. As water starts penetrating you should be able to spike deeper.
Repeat application once or twice more 2-4 weeks apart until grass recovers.
How much do I need?
Plan on at least 3 applications to a problem area. Long term conditions in older lawns may need treating every month from April to August (5 applications). This means typically you would need to order enough to treat the total area 3 to 5 times in any one year. This product has a shelf life of 3 years.
Other uses
- Anywhere that there is a dry soil problem, perhaps after removing large fibrous plants, shrubs, bushes or trees
- Around dead tree stumps
- Around ants nests - useful prior to applying poisons that need to penetrate the soil
- To re-wet hanging baskets and tubs
- Also reduces run-off in hanging baskets and tubs by improving permeability
- Either use at the recommended rate for dry patch and fairy rings or if treating hanging baskets water as normal but put 20ml Yucca Wetta in 10 litres water once. Repeat after 4 weeks if needed.
Please Note
This product is not a substitute for water and does not help plants in the absence of water.
Yucca Wetta Safety Data Sheet
Intended Use
Improving Water Availability
Lawn Safety after Treatment
Pets that eat grass/weeds to be kept off for 3 cuts, Non-hazardous for children, dogs and cats once dry
Product Type
Pest & Disease, Drought Treatments
Dry patches, Fairy Rings, Dry Summer Lawns
Size and Coverage
1 litre (with measure) covers 500m2, 2 litres covers 1,000m2, 10 litres covers 5,000m2