late spring lawn care

Late Spring Lawn Care

By end of April and into May the lawn should be growing well so you can complete your lawn care and grass maintenance plans for the spring ready for summer.

As things warm and the grass growth picks up more invasive treatments can be started because the lawn, with a little help from some fertiliser is rapidly able to recover from any damage caused.

Late Spring Lawn Care - April to May

By now you should have started those treatments in Part 1 that need doing from the previous page. So now you’ll be focusing on Parts 2 and 3. Those in bold are the essential tasks to ensure a healthy dense green lawn. Click the topic for complete details:

Part 2

Regular mowing

More aerating with spikes – you can’t do too much!

Moss removal by raking

Light scarifying if you missed the previous autumn

Over seeding


Part 3

Top dressing

Weed control 

Don’t rush to do these last 2 jobs in Part 3. Top dressing needs good growth and can be combined with Part 2 jobs IF the lawn is growing well and you’re not too heavy handed.

Weed Control in Spring – Patience is a Virtue

It is most unwise to combine blanket weed control (application to the whole lawn) with any raking, scarifying, top dressing or over seeding as you’ll compromise the effectiveness of the weed killer or damage the seed.

You could spot spray some large individual weeds with a ready to use weed killer or manually remove them but that’s it for now.

Weed killing is best left to very late May or even June. Some weeds are late to emerge (clovers) so spray too early and you’ll then need another spray. And, as many weed killers limit you to one or two applications in a year you will have shot your bolt too early!

For month-by-month details please visit the Lawn Diary