Seasonal Lawn Care Tips & Problems

Spring Lawn Repair
Spring Lawn Repair

After a dismal winter your lawn can be in a terrible state. Help is at hand here!

Repairing Burnt Summer Lawns
Repairing Burnt Summer Lawns

How to revive and repair burnt summer lawns and grass after a long period with little or no rain

Winter Die-back & Lawn Problems
Winter Die-back & Lawn Problems

Prevention is better than cure but if your winter lawn care falls short then here are the ways to improve a poorly winter lawn

Winter Lawn Care Tips
Winter Lawn Care Tips

Winter lawns can look pretty awful but don't need to be. With a little knowledge and planning you can have a fantastic lawn all year round.

When to use a Lawn Wetting Agent
When to use a Lawn Wetting Agent

Wetting agents improve rain and water uptake in the lawn. It helps water to penetrate and spread, improving availability to the grass and reducing total water usage.

Summer Lawn Care
Summer Lawn Care

In summer consideration needs to be given to heat and drought so keeping the lawn correctly fertilised, cut and aerated will help the lawn stay greener for longer.

My Lawn is Dry
My Lawn is Dry

Grass in a healthy lawn is very resilient and can survive short periods of drought but after that things can deteriorate rapidly so learn how to drought proof your lawn.

Leaves on the Lawn
Leaves on the Lawn

Leaf fall can kill grass, cause lawn diseases, increase moss and worm casts. Clear the leaves frequently before they harm your lawn.

Late Spring Lawn Care
Late Spring Lawn Care

By end of April and into May the lawn should be growing well so you can complete your lawn care and grass maintenance plans for the spring ready for summer.

Is my Grass Dead or Dormant?
Is my Grass Dead or Dormant?

Whichever it is the chances are the grass turns a straw brown colour. Other than that, there is visually little difference in the lawn so try some simple tests

How to Revive a Hard Dry Lawn
How to Revive a Hard Dry Lawn

The process can be as simple as just adding water but the benefits of the following watering program have proven to speed and improve the recovery whilst saving time and water.

Frost, Freezing and Snow on the Lawn
Frost, Freezing and Snow on the Lawn

During winter take care in frost conditions or when snow is heavy as you can damage the grass and cause a snow mould attack

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