Worms benefit the lawn by increasing organic breakdown and improving aeration and fertility however they do cause problems with their spiral casts
These are usually a sign of a healthy soil though on occasions a crop of toadstools will grow due to an excessive thatch layer or form a fairy ring.
Rusts is a fungal disease noticed as a yellowing of the grass leaves. Mildew often looks like someone has painted the grass leaves white
Of all grass diseases red thread lawn fungus is the most common causing brown patches or a blotchy appearance. The blotches will have a pink colouration
Moles, like other lawns pests can cause serious damage as they search for worms in your lawn. They are tricky to kill so you may need help in ridding the garden
If you find Lichens in your lawn it may be time to consider a new lawn or at least a major renovation. Liverworts grow in the shadiest wettest parts of your lawn
Fusarium disease is quite a common lawn problem. Treatment and prevention can involve good lawn care practices, fungicides or use of ferrous sulphate.
Fairy rings appear in lawns in several ways: as rings of toadstools or mushrooms, as a ring of dead grass often covered in moss or rings of lush green grass.
A patchy network of drying brown grass can be resolved by spiking, hollow tine aeration and wetting agents to bring the lawn back to life
The Crane Fly or Daddy Long-legs is the adult and the Leather Jacket is the larvae or grub. Only the leather jacket grubs cause damage to your lawn
The grubs live in lawns eating the grass roots. If the infestation is bad enough damage can be caused by birds and animals eating the grubs
Ants and bees are common in the lawn. The ant can be a major problem cutting away grass roots and building ant hills to use ant killer poison and bait traps