How to Make my Grass Green featured image

How to Make my Grass Green

So, your lawn is not as green as it could be! Here are the things that will make your grass super green!

In order of impact these are the things that will make your grass greener during the lawns growing season and in cooler winter months as well. It goes without saying that water and some sunshine need to be available!

Nitrogen Fertiliser makes Grass Green Fast

This is the main nutrient and will be one of the biggest factors that makes your lawn the greenest it can be. Adding nitrogen through slow-release fertiliser is the easiest, safest and best way to achieve this. Seasonal applications are a bit like you having breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. In addition, slow-release fertiliser will keep feeding for months and should you feel your lawn needs a snack between meals then you can use a soluble fertiliser.

To learn more go to Lawn Fertiliser Advice

What else in the Fertiliser makes the Lawn Green?

Magnesium and iron are two other elements that will add to the greenness. Magnesium is good to have in your slow-release fertiliser but iron isn’t! It will permanently stain decking, paths and pretty much anything it touches. Best apply iron in the form of ferrous sulphate as a stand-alone green-up by sprayer or watering can so you have maximum control of where it goes.

Lots of advice in How to Feed the Lawn


Fertiliser warning

A balanced diet for you and your lawn is important for health so please don’t start just putting nitrogen in your lawn by itself. Don’t overdo lawn fertilisers either as you’ll invite disease and many other problems. Remember, there are other ways to green the grass.

Green-up Ferrous Sulphate

This doesn’t contain nitrogen and is more like a vitamin. You can add Green-up Ferrous Sulphate between meals quite happily and improve the colour without increased mowing. This means it’s also useful for an all-year-round green lawn. Nice!

Iron Sulphate for a Green Lawn

Instant Green

Well nearly! Mix 1 gram of Ferrous Sulphate above with between 4 and 5grams of Lawnsmith Soluble Fertiliser. You can spray this on the lawn during the growing season every 4-6 weeks for a very quick greener green-up. 

Change the Grass Type for more Green

Some grass varieties are greener than others. Look in our Grass Seed section. Scroll down the left hand ‘Refine by’ column to ‘How Green’. You choose how green you want to be.

Rye grass is Great for Greenness

Rye grass, the type used on sports fields and tennis courts has a unique property. The top of the leaf is matt green but the underside is shiny green. So, if you now mow it with a mower with a rear roller you’ll get the most fantastic green stripes. Once again look in our Grass Seed section and scroll down to seed mixture. Easygreen and Staygreen stripe the best.

Get some Air into the Soil

We already assume the grass has enough sun and water but it’ll never sparkle without air, not above ground but below. Asphyxiate your lawn and no amount of nitrogen, iron or magnesium will help!

So aerate your soil as often as possible throughout the year. The heavier the use and traffic the more you need to do it.

How to Aerate the Lawn

Want a Greener Lawn in Winter?

One of the best times to out green the neighbours is winter. As above use some ferrous sulphate but if you really want a result use our Winter Green fertiliser during a mild spell. Just a tad of nitrogen, plenty of iron and potassium and the neighbours will come knocking once you’ve given the lawn a light topping with the mower.

An additional bonus with iron is that it kills moss!

Using Winter and Iron Lawn Fertilisers