With the right preparation, you can affect how long your lawn stays green during dry conditions. See how to retain the green in your grass in summer for longer.
If your lawn dries and the grass turns brown in summer, then improving lawn care and using a wetting agent can reduce the severity or stop it completely.
Several grass types are well-suited for hard-wearing, high-traffic lawns in temperate regions such as the UK. They are ideal for where children and dogs play.
During winter, several things can go wrong with your lawn, from grass thinning a little to a complete loss of grass in some areas to an invasion of moss and strange-coloured patches.
This is a place where trees or other plants out-compete the grass for ground water and may also prevent showers from reaching the lawn.
Areas of lawn where little light gets to the grass for long periods, usually from autumn through to spring.
Sandy or poor soils and the drier east of the country are presented with a challenge when it comes to lawn care. This is where choosing drought-tolerant grasses will help.
When dealing with clay soil, it's important to choose grass seed varieties that are well-suited to these conditions. Here are a few grass seed options that tend to perform well in clay soils.
Lawn seed will already be a mixture of a variety of grass species. Mixing two together before sowing just halves the benefits and doesn't increase them.
Petrol, power tools, cups of tea and tradesmen can cause odd damage and dead patches in the lawn.
All grasses, including lawn grasses, produce seed heads, with some being more numerous and noticeable than others - one of those is rye grass.
Lawn burn or scorch from fertiliser, weed killer or dog pee causes degrees of damage from yellowing of the grass to killing areas of lawn.