How to Kill My Lawn Weeds featured image

How to Kill My Lawn Weeds

Lawn weeds require a selective weed killer that will not kill grass. You then need to know which selective weed killer to use on your weed!

Weed is Listed

This means the weed is listed on the pack of weed killer and will therefore kill it. You can find a comprehensive list in the left column in Weed Killer for Lawns under ‘Weeds listed on the pack’. Great if you’ve identified your weed.

What does ‘Listed’ Mean?

To list a weed on the pack means the manufacturer of a weed killing chemical ingredient will have tested and proven that it works. This costs a serious lump of money so only the most common lawn weeds are tested. This doesn’t mean a weed not listed will not be killed; most will die!

Unknown Weed

So, you have a weed that you can’t identify! Start by reviewing a range of weeds here; a flower and its colour help considerably in the identification of a flower. There are now three possibilities:

  • You can identify it, and it’s ‘listed on the pack’. Yippee!
  • You can identify it and it’s not listed.
  • You can’t identify it.

The latter two need to be treated the same, which means you need to do the testing yourself.

Which Weed Killer is best?

The best weed killer is always the one that kills your weed, but if you can’t identify it, you are no further forwards. The Weed Killers in our Shop have the broadest range of active ingredients available. This means if one doesn’t work, you’ve got a good chance the other one will. That’s why we chose them!

So, pick one and try it out on a small area with a few of your problem weeds. Please don’t go and spray weed killer on the whole lawn because if it doesn’t do the job, you’ve put some not very nice chemicals into the lawn unnecessarily!

How to Kill that Weed

It’s not rocket science but a few basics will go a long way to improving your kill rate.

  • Use the right kit – a sprayer or watering can with sprinkle bar
  • Time from May to September
  • No rain due
  • You fertilised the lawn 1- 6 weeks prior
  • This page will help How to Use Lawn Weed Killer