This is the process of adding material to the surface of the lawn grass - usually loam or sandy loam mixes, sand or organic material.

Soil, in general, consists of a mineral content of sand, silt and clay; an organic content of dead and living plants, insects, invertebrates and animals; a water content with many dissolved substances (fertiliser); and finally, air.

Start by mowing the grass on the short side on a dry day, Next, portion your top dressing mix into a number of small piles placed evenly around the lawn.

For most lawns, you need a sandy loam or a loam top soil mixture. This means the top dressing has all the components of a good soil.

Grass likes a pH between 5.5 and 7. Slightly acidic is preferred by fine lawn grasses (bents and fescues), whilst rye and meadow grass like a more neutral pH.