Spring Flowering Weeds - March featured image

Spring Flowering Weeds - March

How to get rid of lawn weeds that you see from March such as celandine, chickweed, dandelion and woodrush.


Flowers Early March through April

Also known as Lesser Celandine or Figwort. This is one of the first weeds to appear in the lawn. A low growing plant with waxy spade shaped leaves growing from a tuber which produces bright buttercup shaped flowers. A pretty plant though it can eventually populate large areas of lawn if left unchecked. Flowers in March and April and will then disappear in May to re-emerge next spring:

  • Short life span above ground means treating in early spring only
  • Waxy leaf makes penetration of chemicals difficult
  • Likes damp shady lawns so improve drainage and light penetration if possible
  • Digging the small tubers out is the best approach

Common Chickweed

Flowers March to November

Not a particularly common lawn weed though it can be obvious in new lawns or in established lawns early in the year before mowing starts.

  • Regular mowing usually controls common chickweed
  • Easy to hand weed and is easily killed by our recommended weed killers


Flowers March to November

Daisy is a significant weed of lawns and will flower from early spring through to late autumn. Slow to spread but quite persistent though relatively easy to kill.

  • Our recommended weed killers control daisy very easily
  • Treat from mid to late April onwards
  • Daisy is a sign of close and infrequent mowing so read How to Mow the Lawn at the very least


Flowers March to November

Not a pretty weed at all and as luck would have it they grow everywhere all of the time! Though every lawn will get its share of dandelions they kill easily:

  • Use our recommended lawn weed killers for one hit success
  • Though I’m all for hand weeding this one is difficult due to its long tap root
  • Between treatments pinch off flower heads to prevent seed formation
  • There are several relatives to the dandelion; Hawkweed, Hawkbit, Hawk’s-Beard and Cat’s-Ear


Flowers March to April

If the conditions are right this weed can be present in the lawn all year though it is most obvious during its flowering period in the early spring. Often mistaken for coarse grass this stubby grass like weed has very hairy coarse leaves with a dark ‘bobble’ like seed head from late March onwards. Forms large patches in the lawn by sending out stolons to form new plants.

This plant favours wet acidic conditions and with the wet summers of 2007 and 2008 has spread far and wide. In addition, it appears now to establish in any lawn to some degree regardless of acidity.

  • Likes sandy or acidic soils – though any lawn can be infested
  • Adding ground limestone may help but may also invite other weeds and coarser grasses
  • Hairy leaves prevents contact between leaf and weed killer so is hard to kill
  • The plant is also resistant to most weed killers
  • Digging them out is the best approach
  • Though not guaranteed it is possible to treat with weed killer in late summer or autumn when the hairs on the leaves are less prevalent.A repeat application will more than likely be needed 6 weeks after the first