Resolva & Weedol (Verdone) Weed Killer featured image

Resolva & Weedol (Verdone) Weed Killer

With a big range of selective weed killing ingredients these spray on lawn herbicides will control most common broadleaf weeds in your grass

Weed killer for lawns comes either ready mixed and ready to use or in a concentrate for dilution with water.

Concentrated Lawn Weed Killer for Dilution

Weedol lawn weedkiller.
  • Ideal if you have a large lawn
  • If ‘ready to use’ is too bulky for delivery or storage
  • Cost effective if your entire lawn needs weed control treatment
  • Simple to mix
  • Can be used in watering cans or knapsack sprayers
  • Does not keep once diluted – only mix what you need

NB Scotts have renamed Verdone as Weedol Lawn Weedkiller. Just as good but now a confusing name!

Ready to use Weed Killer

Resolva lawn weedkiller.
  • In small handy ‘squirty’ bottles for spot spraying individual lawn weeds
  • No mixing or messing
  • Keep for a long time

Which Lawn Weed Killer is Best?

For complete weed control a concentrate will do as good a job as ‘ready to use’ and vice versa. Use them according to the kind of treatment required. You may have noticed that weed killers are not made of the same chemicals. A lawn weed killer is a carefully selected group of active ingredients designed to kill a certain group of creeping and broad leaved weeds. Not all weed killers will kill all your lawn weeds hence you need to use a range of active ingredients to give yourself the best chance of good weed control. We have therefore selected two groups of weed killers that offer the broadest range of active ingredients so that if one doesn’t kill a certain weed the other may do. Use one group of chemicals for ‘full lawn treatment’ and the other group for ‘spot treatment’. If you only need to ‘spot treat’ then have two different ones on hand or when one runs out buy a different one to replace it.

How to use two different Weed Killer Products

Lawnsmith Option 1

  • Scotts Weedol (Verdone®) concentrate
  • Contains Fluroxypyr, Clopyralid and MCPA

And for spot treatment use

  • Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Ready to Use ‘squirty’ bottle
  • Contains mecoprop-P and dicamba

Lawnsmith Option 2

For whole lawn& weed control use

  • Resolva Lawn Weedkiller concentrate
  • Contains mecoprop-P and dicamba

And for spot treatment use

  • Scotts Weedol (Verdone®) Ready to Use in ‘squirty’ bottle
  • Contains Fluroxypyr, Clopyralid and MCPA

New Lawns

When treating new lawns the manufacturers have the following recommendations:

  • Scotts Weedol (Verdone) – 2 months after sowing though I’d be inclined to give it 3 months
  • Resolva Lawn Weedkiller - 6 months after sowing or turfing

Hopefully it goes without saying that growth should be good and the grass healthy before applying weed killer to the grass and weeds.

Weed killers are herbicides; a type of pesticide used to kill plants. Insecticides and fungicides are also pesticides. When using pesticides always read the label and use them safely.