Weeds don’t like a healthy lawn!
If you have a dense lawn of healthy grass plants then you have a natural barrier between the weed seeds and the soil. If the weed seeds can’t get to the soil the chances are good they’ll die before ever becoming a problem weed. This means free weed control and less work!
Maintaining that all important ‘grass barrier’ comes down to good lawn care:
1. If you damage the grass help it recover:
- Mow it on the high side
- Water it if needed
- Keep off it for a week or two
- Aerate the area
- Feed to speed recovery
2. If the grass disappears due to wear, dog urine, mower damage or shade then replace it before the weeds do:
- A small area just requires some seed or turf
- Larger areas may need renovating. See Repair & Renovation
- Some shady areas may be thin in the spring – just sprinkle some grass seed over the whole thin area in April and it will thicken up in no time
- If the lawn has a lot of use and abuse feed before the damage starts
3. Keep your lawn in tip top shape so it recovers more easily:
- Mow frequently – at least once a week in the growing season
- Mow at the right height for your grass
- Never remove more than 1/3 of the grass in any one cut
- Maintain good spot weed control
- Make sure the grass gets at least one slow-release feed a year