rotary drop fertiliser and seed spreader

Rotary & Drop Fertiliser Spreaders

Lawn feed and garden spreaders can be tricky to use so get the best spreader for your grass whether it's for fertiliser or grass seed

If you are familiar with other lawn fertiliser and seed spreaders, have a good one and find it easy to use then stick with it. There is no point in ‘fixing wot ain’t broke’!

Here are some pros and cons to watch out for:

Rotary Lawn Spreader or Broadcast Spreader (Wheeled)

Rotary lawn spreader
  • Rotary or Broadcast fertiliser spreaders spin and ‘throw’ the feed in an arc
  • Fast and reliable
  • Should not be used with ‘weed and feed’ products as it is difficult to prevent some going onto plants with deadly results
  • Difficult to use in tight areas and slopes
  • Cheap versions can be difficult to set up accurately
  • Cables can stretch meaning ‘off’ is not necessarily off!
  • Ideal if your lawn is easily accessible and a simple shape
  • A good spreader should have pneumatic tyres for smooth travel – definitely NOT plastic
  • I occasionally use one but only for messy or dusty products
  • Some spreaders can be towed behind ride-on or tractor mowers









Drop Fertiliser Spreader

Drop fertiliser spreader.

  • Drop spreaders literally drop fertiliser from holes in the underside
  • Difficult in tight
  • Can ‘wobble’ over dips and humps making you miss patches
  • If the fertiliser isn’t dry or fine it can clog
  • You need to be pretty sharp to ‘shut it off’ at the end of a run
  •  areas or if the lawn contours
  • It’s the only spreader to use with combined ‘weed and feed’ products
  • They’re good for applying grass seed and possibly lawn sand
  • You need to be super accurate otherwise you get different coloured stripes
  • There is no such thing as a good cheap drop spreader