The best time to identify lawn weeds is when they are flowering which is also a good time to apply weed killer to kill them before they set seed
Just follow the instructions and you can have pet friendly and child safe lawn weed control without harm to the grass, environment or wildlife
Not all grass makes for a good lawn: some invaders that need control are couch grass, yorkshire fog, meadow grass and some rye grasses
Soil, in general, consists of a mineral content of sand, silt and clay; an organic content of dead and living plants, insects, invertebrates and animals; a water content with many dissolved substances (fertiliser); and finally, air.
Be sensible with lawn and garden weed killers, chemicals and pesticides. Incorrect use or disposal can be harmful
Liquid lawn weed killers such as Resolva, Weedol or Verdone, are better for the grass, worse for the weeds whilst being pet friendly and child safe
With a big range of selective weed killing ingredients these spray on lawn herbicides will control most common broadleaf weeds in your grass
Weeds don't like a healthy lawn so keep common and broadleaf weeds out with good lawn care, regular maintenance and fertiliser treatments
These weedkillers for DIY use on lawns contain the same weed killing ingredients and are as strong as those used by the green keeper
Start by mowing the grass on the short side on a dry day, Next, portion your top dressing mix into a number of small piles placed evenly around the lawn.
Too much weed and feed is not good for the grass so use ready to use sprayers to keep on top of common broadleaved and recurring weeds.
Choose the right sprayer for your lawn from sprinkle bar watering can attachments for small areas of grass to knapsack sprayers for the larger lawn