Weather warnings of snow and ice have arrived in a flurry here in the UK, as we settle into the New Year. If you’ve woken up to or think you will be waking up to a blanket of snow or ice covering your garden this week, it’s time to take action now if you want to keep your lawn healthy and protected through this cold snap.
Here’s everything you need to know about the snow’s impact on your lawn.
Aerating is the procedure of getting air into the lawn soil. De-compaction is relieving the pressure between soil particles so they are less dense.
An old lawn suffers from compaction so any renovation should include an intense period of aeration, hollow tining and scarification to give it its best chance.
Lawn scarification is invasive, so de-thatch the grass at the right time of year to get fast recovery and less disruption
Raking and dethatching the lawn are quite damaging so help your grass to recover by over sowing or re-seeding and then giving it a feed with fertiliser
Learn the difference between raking and scarifying a lawn, when to scarify, when to rake, and what kind of rakers and scarifiers to use on the grass
Find out how your lawn produces thatch, why some thatch is good and which grass types produce more or less
The finest turf is not only mown frequently but also verticut on a regular basis to improve density and control weeds and weed grasses
The kind of scarifying or raking equipment you need will depend on the size of your lawn. Choose from manual, petrol or electric rakers and scarfiers
Done properly renovation damages the grass so over seed to restore your lawn quickly before weeds and moss invade once again
Raking and scarifying damages the lawn so gently teasing out the moss or thatch is best. This means repeated passes over the grass
Good soil contact is essential so follow our over sowing procedure to make you lawn better than ever in as short a time as possible