Early warnings and corrective measures for impending disease or imminent adverse lawn conditions. To receive lawn care alerts straight to your inbox use the register button below:

Weather warnings of snow and ice have arrived in a flurry here in the UK, as we settle into the New Year. If you’ve woken up to or think you will be waking up to a blanket of snow or ice covering your garden this week, it’s time to take action now if you want to keep your lawn healthy and protected through this cold snap.
Here’s everything you need to know about the snow’s impact on your lawn.

If your lawn is unusually wet it may start showing signs of yellowing and die-back. Here is some help to stop it deteriorating further and help it recover when the rain stops.

As the snow thaws you may well see grey blotches in the lawn

Dry September conditions have stressed many lawns which are now showing the fungal disease known as rust

An early warning to expect red thread as the weather warms in moist and humid conditions.

Fusarium is to be expected in the present conditions. This is the most common disease you may experience at this time of the year particularly during persistent wet conditions.

During drying conditions, your lawns self defense mechanisms will swing into action. So should yours